MIS Public Open Dialogues
Connective series fostering open dialogues and reciprocal knowledge transfer between academics, professionals, and the public.
“MIS Public Open Dialogues” aim at fostering interactions and cooperation between academics, practitioners and the public for reciprocal knowledge transfer and gaining new insights. To this end, “MIS Public Open Dialogues” seek to critically discuss and develop integrative methods for collaborative knowledge productions.
Challenges and opportunities of building inclusive societies
In the seventh “MIS Public Open Dialogues” session, we will focus on the challenges and opportunities of building inclusive societies. In particular, the emphasis will be on issues of vulnerability and the subjective future imaginaries in the context of migration and flight, access to rights as a path to a better inclusion, and the contribution of art as methodology to make change in inclusive societies.
Three professionals and experts will discuss barriers that constitute challenges in inclusive societies as well as factors that foster participation and inclusion.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
12:30h – 14:00h, CET
Passerell a.s.b.l.
4 rue Mathias Hardt,
L-1717 Luxembourg
Please proceed to register
Our speakers and discussants:

Yusra Amounah
Co-Founder and President of DOURI a.s.b.l.
ART as methodology to make change in societies
In a world constantly evolving, the role of art extends beyond aesthetic expression to become a powerful methodology for instigating meaningful change within societies. Douri association delves into the transformative potential of art as a dynamic force capable of challenging, questioning, and reshaping the fabric of our communities. We explore how art , through various mediums, engages with social issues, provokes dialogue, and inspires action. I will give an overview about Douri’s projects and its impact.
Yusra Amounah is a feminist and civil society activist. Yusra is a strong fighter for women and refugee rights. She has experienced fighting for basic human rights in her own personal life first hand, and after she won her own battle she started to have a leading and advocating role for the rights of the marginalized people all over the world. She is currently the president of DOURI Association and a student in university of Luxembourg, Bachelor en Cultures Européennes, English Studies

Ambre Schultz
Cheffe de projet LEILaW, Passerell a.s.b.l.
Access to rights as a path to a better inclusion
Ambre is going to present the work of Passerell asbl with asylum and refugees in Luxembourg. One of Passerell’s objectives is to reduce the asymmetry of information between asylum seekers / refugee on the one hand and the administration on the other.
Passerell witnesses daily how lacking rights (i.e. working as an asylum seeker) and the knowledge of those rights can influence and hinder inclusion in the Luxembourgish society.
Emphasis will also be placed on the inclusion of women seeking international protection and their access to rights in Luxembourg, in particular through the LEILaW project: Listen, Exchange and Inform about human rights Law for Women.
Ambre Schulz begins her experience at Passerell in May 2018 as an intern and then became a project manager in November of the same year. She is a graduate of Sciences Po Strasbourg and holds a Joint Master- Multi-Level Governance and International Relations– from Aston University and Sciences Po Rennes. She is currently head of the LEILaW project: Listen Exchange and Inform on -Human rights- Law for Women.

Amalia Gilodi
University of Luxembourg
Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences
Vulnerability and the subjective temporal imaginaries of young refugees living in reception centres in Luxembourg
Vulnerability has become a key term used in conversations, political debates and policies on migration and the reception of refugees, categorizing certain groups of migrants as vulnerable. However, vulnerability is not an inherent characteristic of only some individuals. Any person may experience different forms of vulnerability at various points in their lives and in different locations, and they may interpret and cope with their vulnerability in diverse ways. The talk will present some different conditions of vulnerability encountered by a group of young people with refugee status living in reception centers in Luxembourg, based on their accounts of past, present and future.
Amalia Gilodi has recently obtained a PhD in Psychology at the University of Luxembourg, with a thesis critically examining the concept of vulnerability in the context of migration. She also worked in the Luxembourg team of the EU project MIMY, investigating the integration of young migrants in Europe. Amalia is committed to conduct ethical research that challenges normative truths and contributes to the wellbeing of marginalized communities.
Be My Voice Conference / Advocating and empowering women conference
MIS Public Open Dialogues of MIS (a Key Research Area of the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences devoted to Migration and Inclusive Societies) University of Luxembourg is related to connective series fostering open dialogues and reciprocal knowledge transfer between academics, professionals, and the public. This MIS Public Open Dialogues session is dedicated to Be My Voice Conference / Advocating and empowering women conference.
May 5, 2022, | 13:30-17:30 pm /
4th Floor/Room 4150
2, Avenue de l’Université / L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Online/Webex: https://unilu.webex.com/unilu/j.php?MTID=ma396cf79562eae719a542b59130e01fe
BE MY VOICE CONFERENCE is a part of the project “LEILAW – Listen, Exchange and Inform on human rights Law for Women” of the assiciations Douri, Passerell and Ryse. The project is (co-)funded by the European Commission and aims to ensure the effective application of the legal framework protecting victims of gender-based violence for migrant women in Luxembourg.
Speakers and discussants
Shabnam Sabzehi
Danesh Parshaona Eftekahri
Lina Ghoutouk
Yusra Amounah
Organized by Douri, Passerell and Ryse in collaboration with Isabelle Albert and Koku G. Nonoa of MIS Public Open Dialogues on behalf of the Key Research Area MIS / University of Luxembourg.
Collaborative practices in the field of art and migration
During a series of open ateliers, Weaving Futures created a space where people with different histories have built conversations beyond language. While working with textile, music, and image, the ateliers were a starting point to bring people together and nourish their dreams. It offered a place to practice new ideas and to build generous communities. We believe that through artistic practice, we can materialize questions that language cannot express, and make us see what is possible in real life. For some, this process contributed to other senses of belonging, for others it built new networks. In addition, it brought a series of beautiful bags and baskets from upcycled textiles, a hip-hop performance, new songs, music, dance, and a short documentary.
But what actually happened during these exchanges, where can we locate what is of value and where are the challenges? How did the project voice the needs of the participants? How can we build other realities through this collaborative form of making? In short, what can we learn from these experiences and how can we do it better together in the future?
To unpack these questions, we will weave different voices during an engaging symposium on collaborative practices in the field of art and migration. We will listen to experts from the field, share our tastes over lunch, listen to tunes, and exchange thoughts through acts of making.
Join us!
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
10:00 AM 6:00 PM
Organized by:
MIS Public Open Dialogues/University of Luxembourg & DOURI a.s.b.l, in collaboration with Sandberg Instituut, Disarming Design & Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts
Speakers include: Yusra Amounah, Simone Asselborn, Annelys de Vet, Koku G. Nonoa, Marinella Rinaldis, Franca Romeo, Luis Santiago & workshop by Finkapé a.s.b.l, Serge Kaboré
De la pratique des lieux à l’identité: entre appartenances et recomposition
Dans le cadre de l´exposition « Memória épisódika » de l’artiste Edmond Oliveira sur l’immigration, Heidi Martins du CDMH et Koku G. Nonoa du MIS présenteront lors de cette conférence-atelier leurs recherches. Différentes thématiques seront abordées, telles que les liens avec ce qui nous entourent (personnes, lieux, objets, etc.), les frontières, les identités, les lieux, les appartenances, les temporalités et rythmes de la vie quotidienne. Les deux inviteront les participant.e.s à participer en réfléchissant à leurs propres expériences individuelles et collectives.
Nous vous invitons à venir participer au débat !
Mercredi, 13 avril à 15h au Centre Sportif et Culturel Tramsschapp.
Une coopération entre:
* CDMH – Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines (Dudelange)
* MIS – Migration and Inclusive Societies (Université du Luxembourg, Belval)

Heidi Martins has studied sociology at the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. During her first master’s degree, she did Erasmus at the University of Luxembourg, doing research on urban temporalities and mobilities. Before re-joining the Uni.lu for her PhD, she concluded a second Master in Sociology and Anthropology at the Université Catholique de Louvain (2013-2014). In 2019, she completed her PhD on the (re)construction of identities and feelings of (un)belonging across the life course among the second-generation Portuguese immigrants in Luxembourg. Today she works as Chargée de projets de recherche at the CDMH (Dudelange, Luxembourg).

Koku G. Nonoa is postdoctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg. He was previously (from 2013 to 2018) PhD student and University assistant at the University of Innsbruck. His research interests are embedded in intercultural/transcultural theatre and performing arts as well as in forms documentary and post-dramatic theatre, combining theory and practice, migration research in contemporary theatre. Besides, he is a member of the of the consortium team of the key research area “Migration and Inclusive Societies” (MIS) and REMIX PLACE project at the University of Luxembourg. He is also involved in the activities of the research group “Theatre and Theory” of the “Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft”.
Third MIS Public Open Dialogues session: “Cultural Accessibility and Participation”
In the third “MIS Public Open Dialogues” session, we will focus on the issue of cultural accessibility and participation. In particular, the emphasis will be on sharing experiences from the practice of social activities that bring together people in the context of cultural diversity and foster inclusion. Three experts from the field of intercultural work will discuss factors that facilitate participation, and barriers that prevent access to cultural and social development will be deconstructed.
NB: Presentations and discussions will be in French
Monday, March 7, 2022
12:30h – 14:00h, CET
This event will take place on location and in-person! Please note that current CovidCheck rules will apply.
Mosaïque Club
31, rue Léon Metz
L-4238 Esch-sur-Alzette
download poster here.
Our speakers and discussants:

Petra Vandenbosch
Éducatrice graduée et agente interculturelle chez GERO-Kompetenzzenter fir den Alter asbl
Kultura le nouveau jeu interculturel „Le Luxembourg et ses habitants en 7 catégories de questions“
Le Luxembourg est un pays d’immigration depuis plus de 100 ans, le pays compte aujourd’hui 170 nationalités différentes. Rassembler les seniors de toutes les nationalités dans une atmosphère décontractée et les inciter à interagir et à s’échanger, tel est l’un des objectifs de GERO –Kompetenzzenter fir den Alter asbl.
Kultura est un jeu de 88 cartes qui demandent chacune une caractéristique typique du pays. L’objectif est que tous les participant-e-s parlent de leur pays d’origine, de ses/leurs habitudes et de ses/leurs traditions, que les parallèles et les différences entre les cultures soient découvertes et que les participant-e-s se rapprochent ainsi en discutant.
The presentation will be given in French
Petra Vandenbosch est éducatrice graduée et agente interculturelle chez GERO-Kompetenzzenter fir den Alter. Au cœur de son travail se trouve la sensibilisation pour la diversité culturelle et la diversité des personnes âgées au Luxembourg : la transmission de compétences interculturelles dans le travail avec les personnes âgées et la connexion transnationale.

Manuela Lorenzo
Chargée de direction du Club Senior Esch-sur-Alzette
Club Senior à mission interculturelle
Le Luxembourg, terre d’immigration, voit entrer dans le troisième et le quatrième âge toute une génération de travailleurs d’origine étrangère. Or, le vieillissement de cette population pose question car les seniors migrants sont sous-représentés dans les structures pour personnes âgées du Luxembourg alors qu’ils rencontrent les mêmes difficultés sanitaires et sociales que les autochtones. Comment expliquer ce phénomène ? Quels sont les freins à leur participation ? Quelles adaptations pourraient permettre de faciliter leur inclusion ? La présentation de ce jour se basera sur l’expérience d’un club senior à mission interculturelle.
The presentation will be given in French
Manuela Lorenzo travaille depuis plus de dix ans dans le secteur de l’intégration au Luxembourg. En 2017, elle est engagée comme chargée de direction d’un nouveau club senior situé à Esch-sur-Alzette et ayant pour mission l’interculturalité. Elle y a développé un concept permettant de rassembler les seniors de différentes origines. Par ailleurs, dans le cadre d’un diplôme universitaire en gérontologie, elle a effectué un travail de recherche sur l’intégration des migrants âgés.

Luis Santiago
Médiateur socio-culturel à Cultur’all asbl
«Nos usagers ont d’autres soucis que la culture. », « La culture est secondaire. », des phrases qu’on entend très souvent dans la rencontre avec les travailleurs sociaux. Du côté des acteurs culturels, même constat, « Ça n’intéresse pas les gens !».
Tout le monde est d’accord alors ? Tout le monde ? Non ! Une petite association résiste encore et toujours à la résignation grâce, entre autres, au Kulturpass. Se référant à l’article 27 de la Déclaration universelle des droits humains, Cultur’all asbl s’est donné comme mission de déconstruire les barrières qui empêchent l’accès serein à l’épanouissement culturel et social.
The presentation will be given in French
Luis Santiago est médiateur socio-culturel à Cultur’all asbl
Formateur à l’approche interculturelle
Second MIS Public Open Dialogues session
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
17:30h – 19h, CET
Webex-Session: tbd
download poster here
Our speakers:

Ivana Pilić
Freelance curator and cultural scientist
PhD-Candidate at the Interuniversitäre Einrichtung Wissenschaft und Kunst, Salzburg

Dr. David Tchakoura
Head of Head of Stabsstelle Konstanz International
City of Konstanz
Performing Society: Inszenierungsstrategien einer heterogenen Gesellschaft
Der großen Erzählung eines immunen Volkskörpers, der sich im Kleide der Vorstellung einer homogenen Gesellschaft zeigt, gilt es das Narrativ einer heterogenen Gesellschaft entgegenzustellen. Das Verabschieden von einer statisch gedachten Gemeinschaft macht Kollektivität als etwas Gewordenes und Veränderbares begreifbar. Das erspart jedoch mitnichten die Auseinandersetzung darüber, welche Gruppen im Werden von Kollektivität gehört, wessen Interessen im Namen eines ‚Wir‘ vertreten werden und wer marginalisiert bleibt (Ganz/Hausotter 2020). In partizipativen Inszenierungen können marginalisierte und unterrepräsentierte Akteur:innen einbezogen werden, um dadurch gängige Normen der Repräsentation zu überwinden. Diskriminierungskritische Inszenierungsstrategien erwachsen aus der Dringlichkeit mit verschiedenen Stimmen zu arbeiten. Dabei werden Strategien als produktiv identifiziert, die Differenzen nicht qua Inklusion neutralisieren, aber die sich „angesichts einer übermächtigen, normativen Ästhetik“ ebenso von der Idee eines möglichst ‚Authentischen‘ verabschieden. Mit dem Ziel, die Grenzen dessen auszuloten, was als ‚normal‘ betrachtet wird und wer in einem ‚Wir‘ wie selbstverständlich mitgemeint ist.
Ivana Pilić ist freie Kuratorin und Kulturwissenschaftlerin. In ihrer kuratorisch-forschenden Praxis beschäftigt sie sich mit kollaborativen Formaten, Narrativen und Ästhetiken einer heterogenen Gesellschaft. Derzeit promoviert sie an der interuniversitären Einrichtung Wissenschaft und Kunst an der Universität Salzburg und am Mozarteum zu „diskriminierungskritischen Kunstpraxen“. 2020 initiierte sie D/Arts – Projektbüro für Diversität und urbanen Dialog in Wien, in einem zweijährigen Prozess, einen Diskurs über Diversität und diskriminierungskritische künstlerische Praxen im Kulturbetrieb anregt. 2018 war sie Co-Kuratorin des urbanize! Internationales Festival für urbane Erkundungen und von 2014-2017 im künstlerischen Leitungsteam der Brunnenpassage Wien. Sie ist Obfrau der WIENWOCHE – Festival for Art and Activism. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in der Erforschung transkultureller Formate und der Entwicklung von diversitätssensiblen Konzepten im Kulturbetrieb. Ivana Pilić berät Kulturinstitutionen und Kulturfördergeber:innen im Bereich Diversity and Arts, u.a. derzeit die Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia/CH.
Konstanz International City – Projekt
“Konstanz International City” (“Konstanz Internationale Stadt”) is a project which aims at developing a quantifiable and implementation-oriented strategic concept to strengthen the character of the city of Constance as an international and multicultural city. In this regard, the project focusses on three central goals: promoting a culture of welcome in the city of the Constance, promoting equal participation rights in social, political, cultural and economic life for all citizens and strengthening the social cohesion. The project enjoys a financial support of the Ministry for social affairs of the state of Baden-Württemberg. It is carried out with a participative approach. It involves various departments of the city administration, the city council, universities as well as civil society organizations. Using the case of the City of Constance, the presentation argues for the abandon of the “integration approach” as a strategy for improving the living-together in multicultural societies and urges for the use of approaches based on the self-perception cities as international cities.
Dr. David Tchakoura is Head of the Department “Konstanz International” in the city administration of Constance and manager of the project “Konstanz International City”. He holds a Magister in German Studies (University of Lomé/Togo and Technical University of Dresden/Germany), a Masters in Political Sciences from the University Osnabrück (MA Program Good Governance and Civil Society). In his PhD at the Goethe University of Frankfurt on the Main he analyzed democratization processes in sub-Saharan Africa looking at the cases of Togo, Ghana, Benin and Côte d’Ivoire. David Tchakoura is from Togo. He lives in Germany for almost 12 years.
First MIS Public Open Dialogues session on Active Ageing
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
12:00h – 13:30h CEST
Webex-Session: https://unilu.webex.com/unilu/j.php?MTID=m396bf300f2f140fa3de3e01bf28d661d
In the first “MIS Public Open Dialogues” session, we will focus on ageing migrants and the issue of loneliness. In particular, the emphasis will be on promoting integrative social activities and interactions with local communities.
Our speakers:
Prof. Dr. Sylvie Johner-Kobi
School of Social Work, Institute of Diversity and Social Integration, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Assistant Prof. Dr. Oana Ciobanu
Faculty of Social Sciences, Coordinator of the research group ‘Diversities in Ageing Societies’, Interfaculty Centre for Gerontology and Vulnerability Studies (CIGEV), Institute of Demography and Socioeconomics, University of Geneva Presentation will be given in French

Dr. Isabelle Albert
Research scientist, Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE), Institute for Lifespan Development, Family and Culture, University of Luxembourg

Ältere Personen mit Migrationshintergrund am Wohnort erreichen. Erkenntnisse aus dem «vicino»-Projekt
Die Anzahl älterer Personen mit Migrationshintergrund nimmt in der Schweiz, wie auch in anderen Ländern, zu. Im Projekt “vicino” wurde erprobt, welche Zugänge und Methoden sich eignen, um bestehende Netze der älteren Migrationsbevölkerung am Wohnort zu stärken und diese heterogene Bevölkerungsgruppe bei der Angebotsentwicklung stärker einzubeziehen. Im Fokus des Projektes standen hierbei insbesondere Personen, die zwischen 1960 und 1979 in die Schweiz migriert sind. Im Referat werden die Haupterkenntnisse aus “vicino” vorgestellt.
Präsentation in deutscher Sprache. Presentation will be given in German.
Sylvie Johner-Kobi ist Sozialwissenschafterin (Soziale Arbeit/ Soziologie). Sie forscht und lehrt am Institut für Vielfalt und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe der Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW). Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Alter/Migration, transnationale Soziale Arbeit sowie Gemeinwesenentwicklung.
Reaching out to older people with a migration background at their place of residence. Findings from the "vicino" project
The number of elderly people with a migration background is increasing in Switzerland, as in other countries. The “vicino” project tested, which approaches and methods are suitable for strengthening existing networks of the older migrant population at their place of residence and for involving this heterogeneous population group more in the development of services. The project focused in particular on people who migrated to Switzerland between 1960 and 1979. This presentation will focus on the main findings from the “vicino“-project.
Sylvie Johner-Kobi is a social scientist (social work/sociology). She researches and teaches at the Institute for Diversity and Social Participation at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Her research focuses on age/migration, transnational social work and community development.
Qu’est-ce qui protège les Roumains âgés en Suisse de la solitude ? Une perspective de parcours de vie
Le thème de la solitude chez les migrant.es âgé.es a récemment suscité l’intérêt des chercheurs. L’accent est mis en particulier sur les raisons pour lesquelles les migrant.es âgé.es sont généralement plus seul.es que leurs homologues non-migrant.es du pays de destination. Ces études négligent les variations au sein des groupes de migrant.es âgé.es et entre eux. Cette étude se concentre sur les migrant.es roumain.es âgé.es de plus de 65 ans qui ont fui le communisme et ont vieilli sur place en Suisse – une population peu étudiée d’anciens et anciennes réfugié.es politiques qui ne connaît que peu ou pas de solitude à un âge avancé. Elle se concentre sur les facteurs de protection et d’adaptation plutôt que sur les facteurs de risque. Ces facteurs doivent être pris en compte dans les recherches futures et lors du développement d’interventions contre la solitude.
Présentation en français. Presentation will be given in French.
Oana Ciobanu est professeure assistante à la Faculté des Sciences Sociales de l’Université de Genève et dirige le groupe de recherche ‘Diversities in Ageing Societies’ au Centre Interfacultaire de Gérontologie et d’Études des Vulnérabilités. Avec Tineke Fokkema, professeure à l’Université Erasmus de Rotterdam et chercheuse à l’Institut interdisciplinaire de démographie des Pays-Bas, elle est coordinatrice du groupe de recherche ‘Les migrant.es âgé.es’ au sein du réseau d’études des migrations internationales IMISCOE. Elle s’intéresse à la fois à l’intégration des migrant.es âgé.es qui sont arrivé.es en Suisse en tant que jeunes adultes et qui sont âgé.es sur place, l’accès aux services, le sentiment de solitude, mais aussi à la manière comme les institutions locales perçoivent les migrant.es âgé.es.
What protects older Romanians in Switzerland from loneliness? A life-course perspective
The topic of loneliness among elderly migrants has recently attracted the interest of researchers. Particular emphasis is placed on the reasons why elderly migrants are generally lonelier than their non-migrant counterparts in the destination countries. These studies neglect variations within and between groups of elderly migrants. This study focuses on Romanian migrants over 65 who fled communism and aged in Switzerland – an understudied population of former political refugees who experience little or no loneliness in old age. This work focuses on protective and adaptive factors rather than on risk factors. These factors need to be taken into account in future research and in the development of interventions against loneliness.
Oana Ciobanu is assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Geneva and leads the research group ‘Diversities in Ageing Societies’ at the Centre Interfacultaire de Gérontologie et d’Études des Vulnérabilités. Together with Tineke Fokkema, professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Demography in the Netherlands, she coordinates the research group ‘Older Migrants’ within the international migration studies network IMISCOE. She is interested in the integration of elderly migrants who arrived in Switzerland as young adults, their access to services, feelings of loneliness, but also in the way local institutions perceive elderly migrants.
Überblick über das PAN-VAL Projekt “Active Ageing in Luxembourg”
Das Forschungsprojekt PAN-VAL “Aktives Altern in Luxemburg”, das im Rahmen des Nationalen Aktionsplans für Integration (PAN) vom Ministerium für Familie, Integration und die Großregion finanziert wird und von der Universität Luxemburg in Zusammenarbeit mit dem RBS-Center fir Altersfroen durchgeführt wird, untersucht die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen von luxemburgischen und nicht-luxemburgischen Einwohnern 50+ im Hinblick auf ihre soziale Einbindung, ihre Freizeitaktivitäten in der Gemeinde sowie ihr subjektives Wohlbefinden.
Das Ziel des PAN-VAL Projekts ist es, herauszufinden, welche Faktoren eine Teilnahme an gemeinsamen Aktivitäten und die soziale Einbindung erleichtern oder verhindern. Im Hinblick auf eine immer heterogenere und vielfältigere Bevölkerung sollen die Gründe für soziale Isolation besser identifiziert und das „Zugehörigkeitsgefühl“ (sozial, kulturell und lokal) der Einwohner am Wohnort analysiert werden. Neben einer repräsentativen quantitativen Erhebung mit N = 1000 Teilnehmern (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Umfrageinstitut QUEST) wurden n = 39 qualitative Interviews mit Teilnehmern aus vier ausgewählten Gemeinden (Clervaux, Differdange, Ettelbruck und Mersch) durchgeführt.
Präsentation in deutscher Sprache. Presentation will be given in German.
Dr. Isabelle Albert is a research scientist at the University of Luxembourg in the Institute for Lifespan Development, Family and Culture. She studied psychology at the Universities of the Saarland (Germany), Bologna (Italy) and Trier (Germany), and she received her PhD degree from the University of Konstanz (Germany) in the framework of the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary “Value of Children”-Project.
Her main research interests are in the field of (cross-)cultural, life-span developmental and family psychology. She has made major contributions to the areas of transgenerational family relations and transmission of values, cultural diversity, identity and belonging in the context of migration and ageing. She is a consortium member of the key research area Migration and Inclusive Societies (MIS).
Overview of the PAN-VAL project "Active Ageing in Luxembourg"
The PAN-VAL research project “Active Ageing in Luxembourg”, funded by the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region in the framework of the National Action Plan for Integration (PAN) and carried out by the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with the RBS Centre fir Altersfroen, investigates the needs and expectations of Luxembourgish and non-Luxembourgish residents aged 50+ in terms of their social inclusion, leisure activities in their communes and subjective well-being.
The aim of the PAN-VAL project is to find out which factors facilitate or prevent participation in joint activities and social inclusion. In view of an increasingly heterogeneous and diverse population, the reasons for social isolation will be identified and the “sense of belonging” (social, cultural and local) of the inhabitants at the place of residence will be analysed. In addition to a representative quantitative survey with N = 1000 participants (in cooperation with the survey institute QUEST), n = 39 qualitative interviews were conducted with participants from four selected municipalities (Clervaux, Differdange, Ettelbruck and Mersch).
Organised by Dr. Koku G. Nonoa, Department of Humanities,
& Dr. Isabelle Albert, Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences
on behalf of the Key Research Area MIS.