
Name Department Institute Research Interests
Agnès Prüm Humanities English Studies English Literature / Multidisciplinary, Film and Popular Culture, Gender and Writing, Utopian and Dystopian Fiction, Space and Identity in (Fictional) Narratives
Andrea Binsfeld Humanities History Archaeology with focus on the Greater Region
Andreas Hadjar Social Sciences Centre for Childhood and Youth Research Sociology of Education (educational inequalities, educational systems, educational credentials etc.), political sociology (esp. identities, social values, attitudes), subjective well-being, gender, migration, methods of empirical research
Andreas Heinz Social Sciences Centre for Childhood and Youth Research Survey methodology, social indicators and the analysis of quantitative data
Dieter Heimböckel Humanities German Language, Literature & for Intercultural Studies Neuere deutsche Literatur vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, Interkulturalität, Literatur- und Kulturtheorie, Drama und Theater, Literatur und Wissen/Nichtwissen, Moderne
Helmut Willems Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences Institute for Cognitive Science and Assesment (COSA) sociology of childhood and youth; youth policy and youth work; ; political participation; migration and integration; citizenship education; youth movements and social conflicts; violence and racism; scientific social reporting on children; youth and families
Ingrid De Saint-Georges Humanities Research on Multilingualism (MLing) Multilingualism: Mutilingual education, Multilingual pedagogy, Internationalization in Higher education, Mobility, Tourism; Learning: Vocational education, Sociocultural processes of learning, Workplace learning, Objects and mediations in learning processes, Tutoring and mentoring (in multilingual contexts); Research approaches: Mediated discourse analysis, Nexus analysis, Relational Ethnography, Auto-ethnography, Social semiotics, (French) Activity theory, Discourse Analysis, Visual semiotics, Geosemiotics/Linguistic Landscaping; Work: Language and work, Professional development, Intervention, Multilingualism in the workplace, Teacher training, Organizational discourse and organizational change, Entrepreneurship, Unemployment, Social economy; Media: Media genres, Multilingualism in the media; Discourse: Anticipatory discourse, Future-oriented texts and talk; Other: Interdisciplinarity, Writing processes
Jeanne E. Glesener Humanities Luxembourg Studies Luxembourgish Literatures, Small literatures, Migration, multilingualism and interculturality in literature, Comparative literature, World literature
Justin Powell Social Sciences Centre for Childhood and Youth Research Sociology of education and comparative & international education: processes of learning from others and mechanisms of model transfer between countries; examining continuity and change in organizational fields and organizational forms in an era of internationalization; internationally and interculturally comparative analyses of inclusive education and special education, Disability Studies.
Lorenzo Vianelli Geography   Critical migration and border studies; Political and human geography; Migration and border control; Foucauldian toolbox (governmentality, analytics of power, dispositif, genealogy); Geographical and anthropological approaches to the state; Ethnography and qualitative research methods; Anthropology of bureaucracy, institutions, and organisations
Nathalie Roelens Humanities Institut d’Études Romanes, Médias et Arts (IRMA) French Literature and Theory of Literature
Sonja Kmec Humanities History Luxembourg Studies (history/cultural studies); European History (16th-21st centuries), Cultural Studies: Social Memory, Spatial Representations, Gender